Wednesday, November 20, 2019

November 20 & 21, Wednesday & Thursday

LT: I can use scale factors to find new measurements.

1. Collect test corrections

2. Scale Factors and Similar Figures Here

3. House Blueprint and Maps Here

4. Math Libs around the room

Practice: Test corrections due ASAP, and be thankful and grateful for everything you have

Monday, November 18, 2019

November 18 & 19, Monday & Tuesday

**If you weren't here last Thursday, see the post from then.

If you were here Thursday you would have done this in class instead:

1. Start Mathia workspaces on scale (3 total, all will be completed before the scale quiz)

2. Get tests returned, start test corrections. If you scored below 22 points, you should:
     ** On your own paper, redo each question that was wrong. ALSO, make sure to write a sentence explaining what you found your mistake to be the first time you solved it.

Practice: Test corrections are due by Friday morning BEFORE school starts because we have a field trip that day. It is preferable to turn them in by next class.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

November 14 & 15, Thursday & Friday

Learning Target: I can prove what I've learned about percents.

1. Questions on Review?

2. Percent Test

3. Thanksgiving Scale Drawing Here

Practice: None

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

November 12 & 13, Tuesday & Wednesday

Learning Target: I can review for the test :-)

1. Check HW

2. Return quizzes, make corrections

3. Find the Error Here

4. Test Review Here

Practice: Complete Review, check answers below
               Test next class
                Finish 3 sections of Mathia before test if you haven't yet

Thursday, November 7, 2019

November 7 & 8, Thursday & Friday

Learning Target: I can find simple interest.

1. Check p. 221 & Pedro's

2. Quiz

3. Simple Interest Here

4. More simple interest practice Here

Practice: What is the Title? (show formula and work!) Here

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November 5 & 6, Tuesday & Wendesday

Learning Target: I can find a percent of change.

1. Go over Error Analysis from last class

2. Find Someone Who...

3. Percent of Change with Geometry p. 217-218

Practice: p. 221 #1-12
               Complete Pedro's Cactus Tavern from Halloween (the three test slips)