Wednesday, March 11, 2020

March 11 & 12, Wednesday & Thursday

LT: I can master writing and solving two step equations.

1. Check HW

2. Smokey the Bear Here

3. Two Step Word Problems  Here

Practice: Two Steppers Here and Here (FIRST PAGE ONLY!)
                Pi Day next class, bring round treats if you can!
                Next test is 3/19-3/20

Monday, March 9, 2020

March 9 & 10, Monday & Tuesday

LT: I can write one and two step equations.

1. Check HW

2. Translate words Here

3. One Step Equations Math Teacher

4. Two Step Equations Vampire

Practice: Complete Math Teacher from above
               Complete problems T,E, O and S from Vampire above

Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 5 & 6, Thursday & Friday

LT: I can clear equations of fractions and decimals.

1. Check HW

2. One and Two Step Equation Quiz

3. One Steppers with Fractions and Decimals Here

4. Clearing Equations of Fractions and Decimals Here

Practice: Clearing Equations of Fractions and Decimals Here

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March 3 & 4, Tuesday & Wednesday

LT: I can MASTER two step equations and know that I have the correct solution by checking!

1. Check HW

2. Two Step Maze Here

3. Pizza Joke Here

Practice: Complete the Pizza Joke
               Find Someone Who (except you're solving it) Here
               Quiz on One and Two Step Equations next class
               Test corrections- if you have less than 18 points, make corrections on your own paper
               When they are completed, see me during a homeroom and we will discuss each one